Juff Joke from Kapoentje
This is Joke (read : Yoke) from Kapoentje. This was a last day she came to visit Abram, coz she moved to other city which is Roeselare City Far out Oostende. Lucky for her, because she come alone. I made bihun goreng, lumpia and gave krupuks for her. That was special dinner for her and her boyfriend. Hopely they like my cook.
Bramtje didn't understand about this, he only think the juffrouw just said goodbye like she did when finished visit him. I shoted some photos for memory when Abram grow up and he will remember again about Joke who was care him so much and support him. And also memory for her when she looking this website.

My home always open for you Dear Joke. Succes for you with the new life in Roeselare City and never forget us 


rony, yolanda, abram, aubree and aldrich
1 comment:
Hello Jolanda, Ronny, Abram, Aubree and little Aldrich
I (Joke)will write this down in English, so that everyone can read this :)
I would like to thank you sooooooooo much....I just read the text about me and I saw the lovely pictures..!
How is everything? I hope everything is going allright!
I love my new job, I really do...but I also miss you all..
And don't worry: I'll never forget you!...how could I???
By the way: my boyfriend and I, we loved the food!! It really tasted great! A big thank you to Jolanda for that!
I will definitely look at this website often to see the pictures and see how you are doing...
I hope to see you all again!
Big hugs! and kisses for Abram, Aubree and Aldrich!!
Joke (the 'juffrouw' :))
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