Sunday, June 15, 2008

Visit Tante Nola
Finally I went to Tante Nola in Netherlands, also my mum did shopping to biggest oriental Supermarket in Beverwijk NL, like indomie, sambal, etc. Then went to Tante Sari before back to Tante Nola house. There I met two new friend which are, Gilbert and Gideone. They are son from my mum friend, her name Tante Vita. I play much with them. Really miss them so much...

Akur terus... kadang nyebelin, kalo adiknya tidur selalu dibangunin, katanya pengen maen. Dua-duanya sama, usil.. kalo dah teriak bareng, ketawa bareng, ributttt bgtttt....

Class Photo
This month is the last school, after that will be summer holiday 2 month. I like go to school even saturday I want go to school :D I love all my friends, special Lina, she very nice to me. This photo when Im second class in preschool.