Sunday, December 31, 2006

Good Bye 2006
To much memory in this year. This all my artwrok from school. Have sime paint and greeting.I found great, I can make some artwork, make creative and I can put my imagination to all my art.

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In this picture, I will go to school while almost christmas. I am so tiny boy.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Hand Print and Mesy
My mum not give attention while I am play in back room. I know my mum just starting to cleaning up, because she painting at this room. Of course I play like in haeven, do everything I want. And guess what, my mum very angry... I know this ink dificult to clean up, but she angry because the ink stay in my skin...fiuhh!

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I like play under the table, nobody can reach me...

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This is play being model, under the sunshine. Stupid me, why I did that :D
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Abram paling seneng ama sprei sapinya ini, kemana-mana dibaw, tiduran, jungkir balik, sampe bosen nyuci terus. Gue seneng gaya dia disini, foto model banget sih lo nak

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Arnely dateng ke rumah, dia mo liat kandang burung yang baru beres dibuat ama Ronny, dan kebeneran cuaca bagus banget, cerah dan panas... Ini foto Arnely yang jepret :

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Advance Scratch

'designer not superman'

Deva yang modifikasi foto-foto bramtje, ketiduran di atas kibor
Heaven View....

Mom, Can I Play Outside???

Skywatcher series "Town Patrol"

I have a dream....

Friday, September 29, 2006

Dapur berantakan, underwater bow... duh... pusinggg ngebersihin lagi ngeringin lagi, sakit pinggang tau... Ini udah gak tau keberapa kalinya dia bikin... dan sekarang sengaja gue foto, supaya nanti gede dia bisa liat betapa badungnya dia waktu kecil. Dan herannya selalu maen air di dapur. Gue juga gak tau waktu itu, soalnya dia anteng banget gak ada suara ribut-ribut. Gue datengin ke dapur, ya oloh... sabun cuci piring yang baru dibeli seperempatnya dia pake dia udah kayak mo mandi aja disitu, pake sponge untuk cuci piring pas gue tanya, dia jawab : "Abam kining home."

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